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computer mouse

what is the computer mouse?

A computer mouse is a handheld equipment input gadget that controls a cursor in a GUI and can move and choose content, symbols, records, and envelopes. For personal computers, the mouse is set on a level surface, for example, a mouse cushion or a work area and is put before your PC. The image to the privilege is a case of a work station mouse with two catches and a wheel.

Types of a computer mouse

  • Wireless
  • Foot mouse
  • Wheel mouse
  • J-mouse
  • Joystick
  • Mechanical
  • Optical
  • Touchpad
  • Trackball
  • Track point

Computer mouse ports

Today, most PC mice interface with a PC utilizing a USB port. The following is a posting of the majority of the sort of ports and remote associations that a mouse is fit for utilizing or has utilized before.
  • Bluetooth
  • PS/2 port
  • infrared
  • serial port
  • USB port

what are the uses of the mouse?
The following is a rundown of every one of the PC mouse works that assistance a client utilize their PC and gives you a thought of everything a mouse can do. 

1. Move the mouse cursor

 The essential capacity is to move the mouse pointer on the screen. 

2. Open or execute a program 

 Once you've moved the pointer to a symbol, envelope, or other article clicking or double tapping that object opens the archive or executes the program. 


A mouse additionally enables you to choose content or a document or feature and select various records without a moment's delay. 


 Once something is chosen, it can likewise be moved to utilize the simplified strategy. 

4.Drift -

 Moving the mouse cursor over items with extra float data can help find the capacity of each article on the screen. For instance, float the mouse over the drift connect to see a model. 


When working with a long record, or survey a long site page, you may need to look up or down. To scroll, utilize the mouse wheel, or snap and drag the parchment bar. 

6.Perform different capacities
Many work area mice likewise have extra catches that can be modified to play out any capacity. For instance, numerous mice have two side catches on the thumb segment of the mouse the catch nearest to the palm can be modified to backpedal on site pages.

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